Monday 30 May 2011

Kewpie Dolls, oh so cute!

So both bubs are in bed and after a quick love note to you i'm going to fix myself a nice bowl of vegetable soup and wash it down with a cup-of-tea chaser. In a big cup.

Then if time permits I will endeavour to fix the foot and needle of my sewing machine and take mum's out of the box (she has kindly let me borrow hers while i get around to fixin'). Working on two little things at the mo', heat bags for my niece and nephew and my pet project, kewpie dolls!!

The kewpies are the dearest little dolls in the world. Think carnival prizes from when you were little. They just have the most adorable expressions too. I'm going to frock them up in tulle and ribbon and glitter. And they will be on a stick. Things are so much better when they are on a stick.

Oh Murphy's Law.... when one baby sleeps, the other wakes. Pics soon.

Love Shay

Sunday 29 May 2011

1,2, miss a few, 99, 100!

My computer just flipped out on me while i was working on a post so I've taken it as a sign from the universe that it was all crap and am starting over again. Shame really as i had made mention of my beautiful little one but you will no doubt meet her and her equally gorgeous older sister in posts to come.

So we are rained in today and while the ducks are out having a ball ,I am in, hanging out with aforementioned little one and generally spanning time. If that time was a pie chart the lions share would be devoted to bringing up baby, with another hearty chunk going to domestic slavery/goddessing (insert perspective here......) and many many many slivers to other aspects that go to make  up my day and/or life.

Today sliver with the highest priority is making last minute plans for my dear old nan's 100th birthday. A week from today she will hit triple figures. I remember the day before i turned 10 lamenting the loss of my single digit years, singing "I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toyworld kid" on my trampoline in the back yard, so i can only imagine she is feeling a bit like that.....times 10.

She still lives alone, smokes cigarettes and drinks beers and Irish whiskey. She buys weekly gossip mags and bitches about celebrities. She is far from the poor old tub-chair oldies in homes you see photoed for the papers being blissfully unaware that they actually stuck around and turned into a centenarian. As her funny old Irish friend so aptly put it, "They'll have to shoot her!". What a mad idea that you might actually walk the earth for a hundred years? Imagine all the changes.

Her message from the Queen arrived at my place last week and I am waiting on a QE2 mask so we can have a little giggle when it gets delivered to her next Monday (sorry to any hard-core monarchists who may be offended by this but from what i hear she has a bit of a dry sense of humour herself, old queensie).

Doorbell just rang. Mask arrived! What are the odds of that? You type it away and it happens! Will have to write more self fulfilling paragraphs about how slender and wealthy I am!!!

And bub is up so I must away....

Love Shay xxx

Thursday 26 May 2011

Good things come in small packages

So i thought i might share with you a few of the things i have around the house that i love and I hope that you will love too. For a long time now i have been bringing home odds and sods that i just think are the best little things since sliced bread. Sometimes i pay good money for them but often they are cheap little trinkets found at op-shops that i cant believe someone could part with in the first place!
So these gorgeous little tea cups are just the right size for a little girls tea party, I will show you another pic so you get an idea of how small and pretty they are! I picked the 3 of them up for $6 but wouldn't part with them for $100. They haven't discovered their true purpose yet, at the moment they are encouraging the bookshelf to be more feminine but i have a vibe they will be used to light up a dull night with a few tealights inside....maybe next to the bath. The marking on the bottom says RIDGWAYS Lawley England so they have journeyed long and far to find a home with me. I imagine someone lovingly wrapping them in teatowels to get them over here safely by boat......
Tiny hey?? This pic reminds me of a strapping young gentleman helping a little old lady across the road...See, chivalry isn't dead, it's just played out in the world of tea and coffee.

Might go and put the kettle on now.....

Love Shay xxx

Wednesday 25 May 2011

So this is what it feels like to blog hey?

Today i well and truly bit off more than i can chew. After being up at 3 with a vomitous child i woke and decided in addition to all the other stuff i have to do i will start a blog. (FEAR NOT! i have no intention of continuing to document occasions of vomiting although i am sure there are a few little freaks out there who are into that kind of thing).

Have you ever started a diary only fearing it might be read by someone else and kind of changed what you wrote or the way you would truly write it? And then you think" this doesn't sound like me at all!" and if anyone ever reads it i will be exposed as some kind of fraud?? Well my first blog feels kind of like that.

I'm just going to imagine I am rambling to myself and if anyone is kind enough to join in well and good. That way i can relax and let it all figuratively hang out. So if anyone is out there ...........
"hhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllloooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!" shouting down a well.

Well i will keep my first one short and sweet, am going to spend the next few days trying to sculpt this little thing to my liking and see where it all goes.

It is lovely to meet you, or alternatively it has been fun talking to myself again........

Love Shay xxx